Custom Security Plans Created by an Experienced Manager

Event Security Tips to Keep Your Staff and Team Safe

Location shooting poses many different risks to filming on a closed set. Security at private events is necessary, as it will give you more control over the area. Experienced security managers act as consultants who can talk you through a custom plan that is suited to your filming needs according to your budget.

After considering your needs, budgets, and logistics, a thorough plan can be strategized to make your off-location filming as smooth as possible.

What other benefits are there to using a custom security plan?

  1. Protect your crew and equipment

Reassure your crew that they will be safe, and if anything happens to your unattended equipment this can be very costly in time and money, causing significant setbacks in your production timeframe. A custom plan can be developed to incorporate extra protection around any specific technical equipment.

  1. Secure the perimeter and divert traffic

When shooting on location the last thing you need is unwanted visitors or disruption from traffic. Security firms can on a custom plan divert traffic away from the site to reduce hassle and background noise.

  1. Risk Management 

Filming outside of an enclosed set poses additional risks that need to be mitigated for. Security firms will continuously monitor potential hazards and risks to keep your cast and crew safe. 

  1. Crowd Control 

Whilst firms will work to keep your location private, there are times where this may not be possible – when filming in very public places. Even if you’re filming without high-profile celebrities, the act of filming with high-tech equipment itself is likely to spark curiosity. Security guards will be able to maintain order and minimize disruptions.

  1. Personal Security 

If you’re filming with high-profile celebrities, they may feel comfortable with an extra layer of security. A personal guard can protect the individual and secure the dressing room area, escorting the celebrity to and from locations, 24/7.

Hiring security is necessary for any type of outdoor professional filming to avoid unwanted mishaps and setbacks. By working with an experienced manager, you’ll be able to design a customized security plan that incorporates all the above elements and ensure that the plan is carried out effectively.

An experienced manager will have dealt with all kinds of risks and be able to account for and mitigate any problems you might face when filming and creating your custom plan.

With over 20 years of experience, AFS is an excellent choice for top-level security. AFS operates in Los Angeles, Burbank, Hollywood, and Santa Clarita. Contact us today and we can develop a bespoke security strategy suited to your needs.

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