United States

United States

The cinema was officially invented in 1895 in France by the Lumière Brothers but it is closely linked to the United States from its origins, especially in New York City where increasingly elaborate films were made and distributed throughout the country, multiplying its popular acceptance.

In addition to NYC, another industrial nucleus emerged in the outskirts of the city of Los Angeles, with a very favorable climate for shooting outdoors throughout the year.


This is thanks to the fact that, at the beginning of 1910, the director D.W. Griffith was sent by the Biograph Company to the West Coast with his company. They began filming on a vacant lot near Georgia Street in downtown Los Angeles. The company explored new territory and traveled several miles north of a small town. This place was called “Hollywood”.

That was how Griffith shot the first movie in Hollywood, California. The film was a melodrama about California in the 1800s, while it belonged to Mexico. Then, his films, such as The Birth of a Nation, are considered the first of modern cinema.

They all wanted to produce their movies in Hollywood

After hearing about this wonderful place, in 1913, many moviemakers headed west to avoid the fees levied by Thomas Edison, who owned the patents on the motion picture.

After him, other filmmakers were drawn to the mild climate and reliable sunlight in this beautiful region. They were in love with the variety of landscapes that are available in the area.

“The axis jump, the flashbacks, the use of montage as a narrative tool, and the close-ups are developed by Griffith to create a new type of language different from theatrical, to tell plausible stories and move an audience that seemed to understand them”, indicates the US Blog.

Since then, the American film industry is considered to have a high technical level. This and the efficiency of its commercial and distribution network allow it to maintain its dominant position in the world market.

To serve this industry, at AFS we specialize in comprehensive security services for companies such as Universal Studios, Fox Studios, Disney, ABC, Sony, and CBS. We have many years of experience guarantee that great productions can be carried out in complete safety and calm.

But our work is not just a job; it is a passion because we also love cinema as you do.

Our services in United States

Production Security

Action Force Security (AFS) is a state-licensed Private Patrol Operator (PPO), specializing in Motion Picture Security in California.

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Executive Protection

Our company has Bodyguards and Executive Protection Agents specialized in providing security and comprehensive care to top executives and stars of the film and television industry, 24/7.

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Event Security

Organizing a large-scale event for the film or television production industry requires a lot of logistical, planning and security work.

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Personal Security

AFS provides accompaniment, defense, and protection of specific people, or specific groups of people like celebrities and top executives...

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Private Security In Film Studios

Because we understand perfectly how the production business works, we adapt to changes in schedules, locations...

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TV Commercial Security

Safety during the production of a television commercial can determine the success or failure of the project.

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Security Specialist In TV Film Music Industry

AFS provides a complete and integral security service that includes all types of film and television productions...

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Emergency Security Services

We know that despite the extreme planning that film and television production requires, unforeseen events and emergencies...

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Film Industry Security Guards

If we have learned anything from many years of providing the best security for television and film production companies.

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Technical Security Supervision

We are aware that filming on location is completely different from shooting on a closed set and poses different challenges...

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