Security in Film Premieres: Why are they necessary?

Security in Film Premieres Why are they necessary

A movie takes many months of work, filming, negotiations, and a million other details. The talent of the actors is essential for the project’s success, but other factors influence such as the reputation of the production house, the leadership of the director, the good relationship between the members of the team, and, of course, logistical issues such as the costumes, scenery, and security.

But all this work is converted into a unique product at the time of the public premiere of the film.

A safe and luxury premier

The name of this key moment comes from première, in French, and also refers to the first exhibition of work – in this case, audiovisual – before an audience that is usually very exclusive.

At the premiere of the film, generally, we try to generate the greatest possible media impact. That is why it is usually used to invite the press – media of different scopes and from different countries, even – and the fans, especially if the main actors and actresses attend.

For the same reason, the security of the event in which the film is released is a key element, since it depends on that that all the guests can be calm and that the premiere is a complete success.

Factors to consider before hiring a security company for the premiere of your film

  • If your event is in California, always choose a company that is a state-licensed Private Patrol Operator (PPO) as established by California’s Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS).
  • Select a provider whose security guards are properly identified. A highly professional, serious, and experienced company will always be the best option.
  • Choose a local security company that is close to the event location in case there is a need to increase the number of security guards or change something in the protocol due to an emergency. It is important to be certain that the company can provide 24/7 support if needed.
  • Be sure to hire a company with high standards of confidentiality because you never know what might happen at an event like a movie premiere.
  • Finally, hire a specialized security company. Opt only for those agencies that are experts in the film industry and that understand how every detail of a day as special as the premiere of your film works.

At Action Force Security we have many years of experience working with some of the most renowned film and television production companies in the world and with the most famous Hollywood film studios such as Universal, Disney, and ABC.

Contact us if you require advice or need to quote our services.

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